Tuesday, November 4, 2008


As we all know, today is November 4th 2008. This is said to be the day to make history! It is up to us to go out and voice our opinion by VOTING for the best candidate. The lines for these polls are wrapped around corners which shows that there are people taking their time to go out and vote! With the shocking death of Obama's grandmother we can only pray for him and wish the best on his part. I have faith in Obama and believe that he will be our next president. This is a historic election that will definately have an impact on everyone's life regardless of the outcome. What is your opinion of this election, now that it has come down to the final day?


1 comment:

Shaquenda P. said...

I was a little upset by election day because it seemed as if people who were black were expected to vote for Obama based off of his skin color and not because he was just the better candidate.